Besy gay movies 2019

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Team Empire has hand-picked a selection of the greatest films that tell LGBTQ+ stories, or that come from LGBTQ+ filmmakers – contemporary, historical, factual, fictional, fantastical, or futuristic. And with every passing year, the rich tapestry of bold, funny and fearless queer cinema grows: we’re living a golden age of LGBTQ+ filmmakers having increasing opportunities to tell their own stories – whether specifically about the LGBTQ+ experience or not – resulting in greater on-screen representation, and allowing more people than ever before to see themselves in the movies they love.

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Throughout the history of cinema, there have been gripping and groundbreaking LGBTQ+ films – stories taking in the lives, history, and experiences of people who identify as gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, pansexual and beyond.

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